The LORD also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth
shall shake: but the LORD will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel.
ויהוה מציון ישׁאג ומירושׁלם יתן קולו ורעשׁו שׁמים וארץ ויהוה מחסה לעמו ומעוז לבני ישׂראל׃

The Messianic Candle Blessing
performed by Julie Bos for
Zion's Roar Ministries

The Rapture of the Church
"The Road Show" Q & A
Interview of Rick Wagnon
by Pastor Tom Arnould
on the Oasis Radio Network
The complete one-hour broadcast
in four commercial-free segments.
Israel & Prophecy Q & A
GNRB radio interviews of
Rick Wagnon by Pastor Tom Arnould
on the Oasis Radio Network
Rapture & Prophecy Q & A
Wednesday Night Q & A with
Rick Wagnon by Pastor Tom Arnould
Israel & Prophecy Q & A
Wednesday Night Q & A with
Rick Wagnon by Pastor Tom Arnould