Tune-in to the Oasis Radio Network at 10:00 a.m. CST beginning Monday, JULY 03, 2017 to Friday, JULY 07, 2017 to hear Rick interviewed on the Good News Radio Program about the Rapture of the Church. This week-long series will be a spin-off from "The Roadshow" interview earlier this month. The five 15-minute Q & A interviews can be heard at: KNYD Broken Arrow/Tulsa, OK 90.5 FM; or KDIM Coweta/Tulsa, OK 88.1 FM; or KMSI Moore/Oklahoma City, OK 88.1; or FM WYCS Yorktown/Hampton, VA 91.5 FM; or KOZO Branson/Springfield, MO 89.7 FM / 93.7 FM; or WOFN Beach City/Canton, OH 88.7 FM; or streamed live on-line at http://www.oasisnetwork.org/listennow.asp.
Once aired, archive copies may also be found on our "Audio" tab on the "Studies" page at www.zionsroar.com or see www.zionsroarministries.com