WOW. The L-rd has really blessed us since starting Zion's Roar Ministries! Our regular Shabbat Bible Study members have often expressed their distress to fall behind when out of town or sick, so...Beginning TONIGHT 08/30/2019 we will begin LIVE STREAMING our Shabbat Bible Studies!!! Join us every Friday night at 7:00 PM CST as we explore the precious Word of G-d each week. Keep in mind, these are LIVE video feeds, not polished productions. But you will be able to sense the fellowship, friendship, and love we have for one another in YESHUA and hopefully you'll plan to join us in person! Remember, you can't hug one another, or enjoy the great snacks and food we have available when only watching on-line! LOL. Seriously, we sincerely hope you enjoy these new broadcasts which represents a HUGE leap of faith for both content, reach, and expense, as we take our first small steps toward a greater ministry impact (that's a stock photo, not our actual video set-up, of course). May our G-d and Saviour richly bless you, and may you GROW in Him as you watch. Maranatha! RickW