Friends, I have received various inquiries regarding religious exemptions and EEO law. As a certified federal EEO Investigator as well as a Gospel minister, I may be positioned to explain both biblical beliefs and basic legal standards. To that end, I have created a link to an EEO Religious Exemption Letter template posted at the top of each page at www.zionsroar.com This letter is available free of charge and may be downloaded for use or used as a reference in drafting your own request, if/as needed. The times are certainly upon us and YESHUA is coming soon! The Beast and his system is rapidly approaching. Shalom and Maranatha!
Rick Wagnon, ZRM Founder
🥺 I'm a little scared Mr. Rick but I shouldn't be, but because I don't remember that's why I'm a little scared. I have to remedy this asap. Shalom shalom. Thank you thank you. 💪❤️☝️