A very special thanks to Tulakes Baptist Church and especially Norma Jean Hayes for hosting Zion's Roar Ministries in their fellowship hall for our 2023 Passover Seder! Cheryl Payne and her talented guitar playing provided anointed Messianic worship and ZRM volunteers too numerous to name helped with all the furnishings, decorations, and FOOD! (Smoked Brisket, Roast Chicken, Potatoes, Carrots, Green Beans, Tossed Salads, various Deserts and more!) With over 70 people registered for this year, we spent four hours together working through each of the 14-stages of the Passover Seder as they reveal YESHUA (Jesus) hidden in this ancient Jewish ritual! 14 is the gematria value of King David's name, spelled with a D:Dalet (4) - V:Vav (6) - D:Dalet (4) in Hebrew totaling 14. Yeshua was frequently referred to by His Messianic title "Son of David" throughout the Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) and it is no accident that the opening chapter of Matiyahu (Matthew) stresses the 14 generation sequence of Yeshua's lineage. We had a great time fellowshipping together and praising our King...NEXT YEAR, IN JERSUALEM!