The Passover Week begins at sunset this Saturday, March 27, 2021 and lasts through sunset on Sunday, April 4, 2021. During this time, the Passover Seder (Order of Service) is observed worldwide. This ancient Jewish meal and tradition is full of symbolism related to our Messiah, YESHUA (Jesus Christ). While COVID-19 has interfered with many public Seder meal observances over 2020-2021, Rick has been invited to teach on the Messianic symbolism of the Passover Seder at the Sunday morning service of: Judah House of Praise, 614 S. Magnolia Ave. in Cordell, OK on SUNDAY, APRIL 4, 2021 at 10:00 AM. This event will NOT be a full Seder meal observance, but rather, one to two hours of topical teaching on the Passover Seder as it relates to Yeshua, our Savior. To learn more about Yeshua in the Passover Seder, be sure to join us for this special teaching event! Shalom, my friends!
So happy for you Mr. Rick. Shalom shalom.